01 Feb What does an average day look like for Study & Play USA Scholarship athletes
At Study & Play USA we work with hundreds of students to assist them have the journey of a lifetime combining their sport and studies in the USA. We work together as a family to make sure the experience as amazing as it can be.
We often get the question – what will my daily life look like? – So, we thought we would collate a few answers from current athletes from a select few sports to give you an overview!
What does an average day look like for Australian scholarship athletes?
A golfer in Texas
“A typical day revolves around study and practice. My schedule is always set up to have my classes in the morning. I have breakfast and head off to class. My classes finish after lunch leaving the afternoon to head to practice. I would spend the afternoon with my team practicing and generally just having fun and hanging out with the rest of the guys.”
A rower in Pennsylvania
“4am wake up! Practice starts at 5am (off campus), row until 7:30am then back to campus for a quick breakfast. Off to class from 8am until 12pm then a second training session that is land based e.g. weights training or cardio and technique. Back to class until about 3pm. After 3pm I would hang out with my friends, go to sporting events, get dinner, go to the movies. You are like any other college student except come 9pm on a training night it’s off to bed to do it all over again!”
A tennis player in California
“A typical day for me as a student athlete consists of being on court first thing for a couple of hours, followed by a couple of hours of conditioning and weight training. I usually grab something to eat before heading to class. Classes range from 1 – 7pm so it can really vary.”
A track athlete in New York
“Typically, in season it’s an early start getting to the indoor track at 7am and practicing through to around 9am. Usually most of the team grab breakfast afterwards, depending on when their classes started. Then classes through the day and our coach would usually be pretty flexible about us coming back in the afternoon to double. For outdoor track season, we usually practice longer in the afternoon session. Depending on travel distance, most Fridays we get on the road in the afternoon and return Saturday night or Sunday depending on the length of the meet.”
A volleyballer in Delaware
“In season my typical day is training 5-6 days a week on the court starting with practice starting at 6am, meaning we have to be at the hall at 5am to go to training room and get the nets set up, and we finish between 8:30 – 9am. Then time for breakfast and go to class. I have conditioning twice a week in the afternoons after classes. On top of all that as a freshman you we have 10 hours of study hall to complete throughout the week which is an opportunity to finish assignments with free tutors there to specifically aid the athletes. So, when in season it’s hectic, but out of season it slows down and I have more time.”
As you can see each experience is unique, but each experience brings with it new adventures and experiences that you will cherish for a lifetime.
If you’d like to know more, get in touch with us here at Study & Play USA. You can also follow the progress of other athletes on our Instagram and Facebook pages