Author: Study & Play USA

When most people think of college sports, football, basketball, and baseball are among the first to come to mind. Understandably so, given that these are among the biggest revenue generating college sports that attract audiences almost as large as major professional leagues. However, the fastest-growing...

One of the most unique and exciting aspects of the US college experience is being part of a campus community. The majority of students, both domestic and international, live on campus in residence halls, which provides for a very vibrant campus culture. However, there are...

Pictured: Clancy, Study and Play USA Student-athlete at Yale February and March in Australia is rowing ‘regatta season’ for high school athletes. It marks the culmination of months of early pre-dawn morning sessions on the water, training camps and painstaking erg sessions. It’s also the time...

The end of the year is an exciting time for our Year 12 student-athletes. High school graduation marks the close of one journey and brings excitement for the start of another. With the early signing period beginning in November, many students find themselves signing their...

What are the Living Arrangements?Our son often asks us whether he could go to college in the USA to study and play one day. The answer of course is ‘yes’!As he asks this question, in response we as parents instinctively ask ourselves our own set...

Regardless of a student’s year level, the period between October and Christmas is a critical one. Not only can it set you up well as an athlete and a student for the coming year, it can also create an edge for prospective student-athletes in the...

Did you know that it’s possible to be halfway through your degree in the US without knowing what your degree is?Sounds crazy, right? Let’s explore how this is possible, along with other little - known facts about the US university system.Fact #1 – Mapping the...

As our 2021 recruits make the 15,000km journey to what will become their new home for the next four years, we feel it is timely to share some advice around how to best settle into your new surroundings once you arrive in the US. In...

By Chris BatesAmongst the doom and gloom of 2020, some of us were presented with an amazing opportunity for reflection out of a situation which forced us all to gain a new perspective. Many friends of Study & Play USA reported spending so much more...

By all indications, student-athletes are among the most prepared for life after college. Armed with a strong sense of independence, problem-solving skills, and a global network of personal and professional connections, they are very well-equipped to excel in the ‘real-world’ after graduation. These hallmarks of...

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An Aussie's Transformative
US College Journey

By Study & Play Director, Chris Bates