Why now is such a critical time in the US College Pathway

Regardless of a student’s year level, the period between October and Christmas is a critical one. Not only can it set you up well as an athlete and a student for the coming year, it can also create an edge for prospective student-athletes in the very competitive US College recruiting process.

Here are some key tips to gain your advantage over the next few months:

PREPARE – For students who have been considering the US College pathway, particularly those currently in Year 10, now is the best time to get started! In our 17+ years of experience in this industry, we know that once February of Year 11 hits, students are really on a two-year academic treadmill that doesn’t slow down. There is a huge opportunity between now and then to get as much done as possible. Registering and preparing for SAT exams, getting video footage and information together ready to share with coaches and registering with governing bodies. Maximising time now not only helps prepare student-athletes for the US College pathway, it also assists them to manage the upcoming workload that Years 11 and 12 demand.

TRAIN – Between October and the new year also represents a huge athletic opportunity to get as much conditioning and competition completed. It might be the time of year when the world is winding down getting ready for Christmas and holidays, however, for prospective student-athletes, this window is critical to your success. We advise using this time to train more and document that training to share with US College Coaches. It speaks volumes to a coach when an athlete can be self-motivated and organised in their training plans. Considering the competitiveness of athletic recruitment, it is these types of “extras” that can make all the difference. 

PLAN – The academic year can be overwhelming particularly for athletes trying to juggle training and competition alongside their schooling. We recommend using the end of year school holidays to plan the coming school year. Look ahead and schedule in competition opportunities, lock in your training schedule, develop a weekly study schedule. As Benjamin Franklin once wisely said: “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail”.

BE READY – By preparing, training and planning you are ensuring that you are becoming what we like to call ‘college ready’! Regardless of where you are in the process, you will be starting the year ready for all it holds. By maximizing the opportunity that these upcoming months offer, you will have some impressive updates to share with US College coaches! 

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An Aussie's Transformative
US College Journey

By Study & Play Director, Chris Bates