When is the best time to start the scholarship process?

As qualified educators and coaches, Study & Play USA staff understand that student-athletes develop at different rates.

The same applies to making what is a very important family decision to send one’s son or daughter to the USA for a study and play experience. In our experience, the families that are best educated and prepared about the pathway tend to get the best outcomes for their sons and daughters. For these reasons, we recommend becoming informed about all of the processes involved in the pathway.

Some student-athletes start planning as early as Year 8 but do not start the official application process until the commencement of year 11 (recommended). Some student-athletes, on the other hand, only discover the US College pathway late in high school and therefore commence the process in Year 12. Whilst this will require us to expedite activity to maximise your opportunities, Study & Play USA will work with any student-athlete who is ready and willing to engage in this exciting process.

Here is a breakdown of our ideal commencement timelines:

Year 8

Engage with Study & Play USA staff to ask any initial questions about the pathway and processes involved

Year 9

Start to consider subject selection and what academic markers need to be met, which, for the USA University system, starts to count in Year 9

Year 10

Meet with a Study & Play USA Talent Coordinator

Year 10 Term Four – Year 11 Term One

Ideal time to commence the process with Study & Play USA to maximise scholarship opportunities

Year 11 and Year 12

The earlier one starts, the less stress for the student-athlete and more time coaches in the USA have to track the progress of our student-athletes

If you would like to discuss your options, contact us for your free assessment and we will provide you with customised advice about what the US college pathway might look like for you.

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An Aussie's Transformative
US College Journey

By Study & Play Director, Chris Bates